广州市欧乐洁日用品有限公司,前身是揭阳市欧乐洁日用品厂,工厂建于2006年:是一家集研发、生产、营销为一体的专业日用品生产厂家。主要生产扫把、地板刷、洗车刷、拖把、平拖、塑料制品等家居用品。 公司属下拥有:塑料丝材厂,木材工艺厂,
以质量求生存、以创新求发展、诚信原则是欧乐洁企业的理念。 多年来,欧乐洁产品通过市场检验,得到国内外广大客户的认可,产品出口美国、欧洲、东南亚、中东、非洲、南美等多个国家。 欧乐洁人将再接再厉,不断创新,努力开发出更新颖、更环保、更实用的产品。
Guangzhou oulejie Co.,Ltd is a manufacturer involved in research,development,production and sales of commodities as whole. It mainly produces Broom,Floor brushes,Car brushes,Mops,Flat mops,Cleaning cloth,and many other household cleaning materials. With an ideal of "High quality for survival and innovation for development"being Oulejie Company ideology. For several years all along,Oulejie products have passed the market standard tests,and obtained recognition from both customers in china and abroad.products are being sold in America,Europe,Africa Middle East,South East Asia and in many other countries around the world. Oulejie will continue to strive for innovation and development of new,environmentally friendly,and user friendly products.